Saturday, May 31, 2008

Justin ONe Week Update

Got this from the fish
"1 week update:

Good news! Justin is starting to come around. He has been taken off the ventilator and the cranial monitor. He's waking up occasionally and for very brief periods. When he's awake he moves most of his muscles himself (although quite a bit less on the right side) including reaching up to rub his head and pull at his monitor leads. Although he still doesn't track well or follow verbal directions much, yesterday he WAS able to respond to the question "Do you know your name?" by saying "Justin" and this morning he added the last name "Justin Metcalf". It's not much yet, but considering where he's been for the last week it's incredible! His mother, his doctors, and I are thrilled. It shows the synapses and connections in his brain are starting to reconnect. Progress is expected to increase as time passes.

It's still likely he'll need surgery on the pelvis fracture, but the timing for that depends on when the neurosurgeons will allow it. More on that later.

Thanks for the cards, visits and phone calls. Keep hoping for a full recovery.


Best wishes again and hope your back to normal as soon as possible.

Monday, May 26, 2008

sad news, kids

Fellow Virginian Justin Metcalf (A.K.A. Stinee) has unfortunately had a terrible crash while freeriding. He is currently in an induced coma but is in stable condition. He was on a trip to MT Baker and is currently in the Seattle Hospital.
Andrew from Ontario witnessed the crash
"Justin hit the ground at about 70-75km/h, around 40mph? he slid about 20-30 feet and rolled over the embankment, 
He was wearing his Icaro. The chin guard is broken on both sides. We initally thought he had broken his jaw from the crash (i couldn't see how he fell because of a cloud of dust). "
 This is a terrible tragedy in the longboarding world so send him your love and hope he is back on his board soon.
I will post more info as I get it.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Stolen from coast longboarding and John Huey.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

colabo danger bay trailer

Look here. 
Colabo Innovations never fails to deliver. Its a shame you have to buy the dvd to see all of the footage.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

danger bay pics and new vid

(stubbs vid)

ivan the terrible:


More pics on local 124

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

danger bay 7 video

Courtesy of (or stolen from) Michael Brooke. Pics will come when I have time.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

new vanguard graphic

Yup, it's here:

and a video:

I would have preferred it without the green behind but it's a little late now.
Hopefully Loaded will send me a new one to test out (hint-hint nudge-nudge wink-wink shoulder jab-shoulder jab)
Now go skate!


No, not the car, I'm talking about Danger Bay Numero Seis!
I don't have a video or event coverage, because I didn't go, but I do have the top eight riders.
8. Kyyle
7. Nate Lang
6. Brian Chilliwack
5. Sakamoto
4. Scoot Smith
3. Mischo Erban
2. Billy Meiners
Number One is:


Sunday, May 18, 2008

amazing roads, part deux

Your welcome.
PS, this is what it would look like if you took q and r out of the alphabet.

Friday, May 16, 2008

amazing roads

last but not least, stelvio pass:

and to end on a sad note, Paskapoo 08 has been cancelled due to lack of funds.