Friday, July 25, 2008

Interesting Skate Ramp

If anyone does it, let me know, and take lots of pictures.

Ask A Skater, Part 3 or 4, I Lost Track

Ask a skater.

Please define freeride. What exactly is it? And how would I go about a "freeride". 

Thank you!

Dear Random Guy,

Freeriding is an amazing thing. It is normally associated with speedboarding, because when you freeride, you normally go fairly fast. It differs from speedboarding, though. The point is not to make it down the hill the fastest, but with the most style and most fun. Typically you drift around corners, do stand up slides and highspeed carving.
It is very difficult to explain, so I'll show you some videos,

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sweet Almatrieb Report
By Lush

Awesome Videos
Has some awesome videos, I especially recommend the Almatrieb video.

Portland Lifts Skateboarding Ban

Good news for Portland, Maine skateboarders this morning on yahoo.

Unfortunately, the steep exchange street is off limits until December.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ask A Skater, Part 3

hi skater,

i recently made the mistake of going on a couple of dates with a roLOLerblader.
he had a real funny way of speaking, even in British standards.
Session = Good
Pissed = Good
Died/Dying = Falling over
Fishbrain = Stupid RoLOLerblading trick
It goes on, it REALLY does...(and they all speak this way, i really don't get it nor did i understand anything he said...)

I'm really just intrigued as to whether American longboarders have crazy phrases such as these?

- the only girl that actually longboards

Dear the only girl that actually longboards,

killing it = good
eating gnarshmallows = good
eating pavement = bad
The list goes on for us too, I'll add some more when i can think of them

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ask A Skater, Part 2

Dear Philip,
Can you give me tips on speed checks?

- random guy who needs advice on speed checks

Dear random guy who needs advice on speed checks,
Before learning speedchecks, you will want to know how to standup slide. Once you have those down, this is how you learn to do speedchecks. First, you will want to find a fairly steep and freshly paved road. This is so you can attempt multiple checks without having to wait a long period of time. Next, you pick up a fair amount of speed, turn quickly, move your arms 90 degrees,and push the board into a slide. Once you are sideways, pull your arms back and bring your leg back to where it normally is. When learning don't try to go 90 degrees, slowly work your way up staying comfortable. Never go more than 90 degrees, it will make you highside and faceplant. 85 degrees is a good place. Remember to never move your torso, it will make it difficult to bring the board back in place.

- Philip

Dear Philip,
whats your favorite online skate store?

how does a skater hold a bbq?

what is podcasting?

why do i have to poop so badly but when i go to the bathroom the sensation vanishes and when i leave i have to poop again?

- senor lotsa questions

Dear senor lotsa questions,
The first store I go to when looking for something is They have low prices on almost everything. The second is daddiesboardshop, they let you customize your setup and are great people. The third is the longboardstore, I don't know why, but I like it.

A skater holds a bbq somewhere by a miniramp or skatepark, I have no clue why, but that's how it works.

Podcasting is something lame you do for people who want to hear other people talk about things. Video podcasting is the best thing in the world.

And you might have constipation, otherwise I don't know, but I hate it when that happens.

- Philip

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ask A Skater, Part 1

Dear Sk8r,

Should i make myself a peanut butter sandwich? This requires going downstairs and removing all of the needed foodstuffs from their respective places and putting in slight effort, such as spreading said peanut butter on the bread, and jerking my refrigerator open. I really don't know what to do, can you help?

- I. M. Hungree

Dear Hungree,
Why peanut butter? A marshmallow fluff and nutella mix would be much more rewarding.

Dear Skater,

Would you rather be an amazing Dh skater or an amazing street skater?

- Ian

Dear Ian, 
That is a difficult question. On one hand, being an amazing speedboarder would let me be able to use more intense roads, and you always get the girls if you tell them you've been 60 mph on a skateboard. On the other hand, an amazing street skater would make it possible to skate anywhere and everywhere, and I would love my own shoes.
I would have to go with amazing speedboarder, because it would not only be sweet, but it would help me with other disciplines too.

- Philip

Monday, July 14, 2008

Ferrari Skateboard!

Ferrari Skateboard

Get excited, you can now take your Ferrari skateboard everywhere your Ferrari segway can't! with 548 BHP and a flappy paddle gearbox that can change gears faster than you can blink, you will now be able to win any race you want with this high performance skateboard.
Act quickly though, they're selling like hotcakes! I've got mine on the way.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

An Actual Review

Well, for the first time ever, I am doing a review on something I actually have ridden. What a crazy idea? I know I know. So the target of my thoughts today is the Zealous Felon. This board is hand made by a guy named Brady in Utah. So here it goes:

Length: 39 1/4"
Width: 9 1/2"
WB: 32"
Other equipment used: flipped Randal r-2 150's, bones reds and 66mm lime zigs-zags.

First Impressions: This must be a couch cause this janks comfy. During the normal living room speedboarding the board just felt comfortable. I love the concave. I'm not a fan of too deep of a concave so this feels perfect, you may not like it if you are a concave whore though.
It is, one of the most beautiful boards I have ever seen. Ever. (I repeat things for emphasis, emphasis!) Brady definitely knows what he is doing. The problem with this is that you WILL get over protective.
The Ride: Amazing. Pure and Simple. This is a perfect board for a topmount lover. The wheelbase and the fact that it's a topmount means it is very versatile and the length is big enough for the heavier riders. It has a nice dampening flex, and comes in 15 ply instead of the normal 12 for heavier riders. It weighs less than I expected and is about half as thick as a hellcat.
So it's light, perfect flex, perfect concave, beautiful and versatile. So how much does it cost? 100? 120? 135? 150?
How about $80, $85 for the 15 ply.
So if you're a topmount freak, looking for a little switchup or you want to get into dh for cheap then this is your board. It might not suit you evo fans or people who want drop throughs but otherwise I strongly recommend it. 

Saturday, July 5, 2008